It is my passion and my calling to help you learn how to live the life you are meant to live by equipping you with the tools and resources you need to live your life filled with abundance and joy every day.
I am able to do this because I know what you are going through. I know what it is like to live with depression, anxiety, stress, and constant overwhelm. I know what it's like to face crises of faith, and to feel like the hits just won't stop coming. I've experienced many challenges in my life including battling depression and anxiety, overwhelm, the bondage of religious legalism, the death of my third born child, financial struggles, and family issues.
In it all, the Lord has been so faithful and patient in teaching me how to walk in joy, peace, and faith regardless of what the outer circumstances look like. In Christ, it IS possible to face ALL circumstances with joy, gratitude, and peace! Now, my mission is to help you develop a lifestyle of faith and relationship with God that is unshakeable and crisis-proof.
Whether it’s coaching, speaking to a group, or creating and sharing content in various formats, the purpose of everything I do is to bring hope, freedom, clarity, and truth to people who are where I've been, and who are ready to do whatever it takes to break free from the weight into abundant, joyful, Christ-centered life that God intended for them. Are you ready to release the burdens you’ve been carrying and ARISE?
I remember what it felt like to know that there had to be something more to life than what I saw in front of me, but not know what or how to change. So I was stuck in what seemed like an endless cycle of depression, anxiety, and overwhelm until one day, I decided that enough was enough.
The turning point came the week my husband had to literally lift me out of bed and start dressing me. I was that immobilized by depression and anxiety. Once he had got me moving and I realized just how far I had let myself go, I resolved that something had to change. So I started praying and asking God for help. Over time, He brought resources and connections to me – tools that helped me learn how to do more than just beat depression, anxiety, and overwhelm. They taught me how to live a life full of abundance and joy.
Today I am depression and anxiety free – living healthy, abundant, peaceful, and joyful. And now, my passion is to help you find your place of abundance and joy.
Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, or you simply know that there is more to life than what you see right now, I’ve been there and I can help you discover, plant, and cultivate the life you were born to live.
Are you ready to find freedom too?
© 2025 Amanda K Stout